The Five Dysfunctions of an Engineering Team

A great translation of Patrick Lencioni’s The Five Dysfunctions of a Team into the technology world. One I see often is “ideas aren’t openly discussed, there is very little buy-in from team members, and so they aren’t fully committed to any...

Using Google’s 8 Innovation Principles in your Startup

✅  Focus on the User✅  Ideas Can Come from Everywhere✅  Think Big, but Start Small✅  Never Fail to Fail✅  Spark with Imagination, Fuel with Data✅  Have a Mission that MattersTick, tick, tickity tick….. Read...

Maintaining Urgency

A sense of urgency is something we encourage when working with teams. This isn’t about going fast and cutting corners, it’s exactly as Aviv says: Questioning, avoiding over engineering, looking backwards to plan moving forward, positive mindset &...

Modern Testing Principles

Testers as coaches Improving the release cycle Continuous improvement Quality culture Read...