Book Review: Seeing Around Corners – Rita McGrath

Seeing Around Corners is a fantastic and easy read for those looking at Digital/Agile transformations, about reorganising the way your teams think and act. Using data to make decisions and acting vs holding off, different types of indicators to signal reflection...

Creating/extending a Certbot Python plugin using Docker

Recently I needed the ability to dynamically create certificates for domains hosted on cPanel. Unfortunately the hosting provider didn’t support Lets Encrypt certificates using cPanels AutoSSL. Due to this I headed down the path of custom Certbot plugins....

Misaligned Incentives Fuel Organisational Dysfunctions

“When there is an incentives mismatch, a lot of energy can be expended.” Nick makes a lot of very valid points, moving to cross functional teams, adopting DevOps doesn’t mean cutting corners. What it means is enabling groups of people to be more...