Jan 25, 2022
I’ve had my head in the Certbot world a lot recently. A few weeks back I wrote about writing a Certbot Python Installer plugin for cPanel. Now I’m implementing acme.sh for a new project. The driver behind using acme.sh was not being able to install the...
Jan 16, 2022
Seeing Around Corners is a fantastic and easy read for those looking at Digital/Agile transformations, about reorganising the way your teams think and act. Using data to make decisions and acting vs holding off, different types of indicators to signal reflection...
Jan 10, 2022
Recently I needed the ability to dynamically create certificates for domains hosted on cPanel. Unfortunately the hosting provider didn’t support Lets Encrypt certificates using cPanels AutoSSL. Due to this I headed down the path of custom Certbot plugins....
Jan 3, 2022
“When there is an incentives mismatch, a lot of energy can be expended.” Nick makes a lot of very valid points, moving to cross functional teams, adopting DevOps doesn’t mean cutting corners. What it means is enabling groups of people to be more...