Book Review: Hit Refresh – Satya Nadella

We’ve been using Apple products for the past 16 years. We felt that Apple did something different to Microsoft in the design and experience space. Apple seemed to pay more attention to the little things: User Interfaces were simpler, User Experience was more...

Book Review: Seeing Around Corners – Rita McGrath

Seeing Around Corners is a fantastic and easy read for those looking at Digital/Agile transformations, about reorganising the way your teams think and act. Using data to make decisions and acting vs holding off, different types of indicators to signal reflection...

Creating/extending a Certbot Python plugin using Docker

Recently I needed the ability to dynamically create certificates for domains hosted on cPanel. Unfortunately the hosting provider didn’t support Lets Encrypt certificates using cPanels AutoSSL. Due to this I headed down the path of custom Certbot plugins....